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Our History


Wootton WI was formed in April 1918. Our first president was Mrs Dodson of Wootton Rectory. Hats and gloves were worn and teas were served on the rectory lawns. This was towards the end of the first world war - just at a time when a better life for all seemed on the horizon. Meetings were moved from the Rectory to the Memorial Hall in the early 1930’s and in 1934 we paid 12 shillings and six pence (62.5p) for an evening’s rental. We are part of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes which was formed in 1915 with the aim of revitalising communities as well as encouraging women to become more involved in producing food during the first world war. Our records have been stored at Northants Records Office since 1947 – now based at Wootton Hall Park.


Charity and Local Community Involvement

We are a registered charity and each year our Wootton WI AGM chooses a charity to support. In the past this has included the Hope Centre, â€‹

Northamptonshire Crusader Community Boating For Disabled People and Wootton’ Community First Responders. We also provide cakes for the Cynthia Spencer Hospice in Northampton and items for local charities such as the Women’s Refuge and the Hope Centre.

Each year WI nationally adopts a campaign which we support with various activities. In the past this has included raising awareness of ovarian cancer, and addressing the issue of polluted water that prevents wild swimming.



We meet on the second Wednesday of the month, except August, in the Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm. Visitors are welcome for a fee of £4 and can visit three times before they need to join. No need to let us know you are coming – just turn up and we will be pleased to see you. Members enjoy talks and demonstrations from visiting speakers, lunch clubs, coffee mornings, and have the opportunity to join theatre trips, outings to other parts of the country and holidays.

Recent outings have been to the National Arboretum, Oxford, a day trip to Ely, a three night holiday to Devon, a trip to the National Flower Show at Chelmsford and a visit to Michael Heseltine’s garden at Thenford. There are also competitions that you can take part in. The WI nationally also provides a learning hub website offering varied training courses.


For further information contact

Liz Goram, President on 0772 896491 or

Christine Ansell, Secretary on 07984 427673

Programme 2025


8 January  - Lady in Blue

Fay Tennet talk on the police


12 February - The Good Loaf

Suzy van Rooyen


12 March - AGM


9 April - Celebration of our birthday in 1918

& Styling Night

Jackie Allen


14 May - Campaign Resolutions

and social time


11 June - Tai Chi

Robert Agar Hutton


9 July - The codebreakers of Bletchley Park

Philomena Liggins


10 September - The Role of Northants in the English Civil War

Philip Yorke


8 October - Sitting on the Judicial Bench

Dr Richard Greenfield


12 November - Needle Felting Workshop

Michelle’s Fancy Felts


10 December - Christmas Fun

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